Wednesday, 16 April 2008

New shiny daggers

Hey guys.
Progression has been slow, lots of real life stuff to keep me busy as well.
I made a recent purchase of some shiny unique daggers too:

Oh, and I thought I might add a picture of my current main as well, for showy offy reasons mainly :<

Sunday, 13 April 2008

Level 10 + A secondary profession

This afternoon I hit level 10 after finishing the profession quests on Shing Jea Island and have chosen my secondary profession. I decicded to opt for Ritualist to take benefit from their defensive skills and spirits. After finishing up the quests around the Monastery areas I'll be stepping into the Harbour area, which tends to bit a bit of a step up from the begining regions. Fingers crossed.

Saturday, 12 April 2008

Survivor Begins

Well, having completed the very early quests I'm now level 5, still alive, and have taken my first steps along the Survivor Title Track :)

The Quest Begins

Hey all!

So this evening I began my Assassin with the hope of achieving Legendary Survivor. I don't plan to do this through a "cheap" method such as Dwarvern Boxing or some boring constant farming, I'd like to not capture too many elites from other professions.

I've never ever done Legendary Survivor before, and added to that I've never played an Assassin either, so that might add to the difficulty just a little bit.

I want to try and update the blog with my progress, builds and methods so that eventually, if I ever succeed, it can provide a resource for anyone else who wants to attempt it.

Well - here she is, Alystia Rose @ Level 3.